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For class XI Only ICSE Board Students

1. Registration Forms will be available online on the school website
           ( on the following dates only :

16th February to 26th February 2025

Registration Fee : Rs.1000/- to be paid online before downloading the form.

PEN (Permanent Education number is mandatory from class II onwards

2. Caste – If SC / OBC – Please provide caste certificate of Child / Father / Mother

3. The following documents attested by a Gazetted Officer will be accepted as proof of Date Of Birth :
 a) Birth Certificate from
    i) Hospital and
    ii) Municipal Corporation/ Nagar Mahapalika

 b) Baptism Certificate (for Catholic / Christian)

4. One post card size photograph of both parents with the applicant in between [Size (in cm) : (7 X 5)] must be affixed in the place provided for on the Registration Form (No other family member on the photo).

5. Duly filled in Registration Form to be returned as per the following schedule to the School office.

Date Time Category
01-03-2025 (Saturday) 8:30 a.m – 10:30 a.m All Categories

6. Duplicate Forms :

Those who register their ward twice for the same class will be disqualified automatically.

7. Rejection after admission :

Any discrepancy discovered in the birth certificate or in the above procedure will lead to automatic cancellation of the seat and there will be no refund of fees.

8. No Donations / Pressure :

We do not accept any donation for admission. If anyone requests / demands donations from you in the name of the School, OR takes money from you with the guarantee of procuring your ward’s admission to class Nursery, please report the matter to the School authorities immediately. Any pressure on the Management, through recommendations, etc., will disqualify your ward.

Instructions for filling Online Registration Form :

1. This is an online Registration Form for Mount Carmel College

2. This form will work on Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.

3. As this form will be using internet, in case of slow internet, the process will be slow.

4. Don’t refresh the page or open it in new tab while filling up the form.

5. If the Registration Form PDF is not generated after submitting the form, it may be because of connectivity problems. We advise you to try again.

6. For One Applicant, Registration Form is to be filled only once.

Sister Janet Monteiro A.C


Queries ?

For any queries, contact school. Ph : 0522-2328941, 0522 – 2335866 | Email :